Sunday, March 2, 2008

Dr Faiz a role model for NS trainees

PEKAN: Mej Dr Faiz Khaleed, who will become the nation's second astronaut, has been designated a role model for National Service trainees.

The "NS icon" will tour training camps to provide motivational talks and relate his experiences as a participant in the Angkasawan Programme.

His appointment was announced by Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak at a gathering of about 3,000 NS trainees from various camps here.

Najib said Dr Faiz's experiences in the space programme could inspire them to achieve their dreams.

"Faiz has proved that being disciplined, focused and committed can enable anyone to achieve things previously thought impossible."

Najib said the government was in the process of finalising negotiations with the Russian government for a second space mission.

He said the mission, which could take place in 2010 or 2011, would enable Dr Faiz to become the country's second angkasawan.

The 27-year-old Armed Forces dentist was honoured to be appointed a role model for NS trainees.

"I am very excited and hope to start work at NS camps soon."

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